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Radon Testing Labs,Inc.


About Us

Since 1988 Radon Testing Labs, Inc. (RTL) has been synonymous with quality and service. We are the largest full-service radon company in North Carolina, offering both radon monitoring and radon remediation. RTL was founded by Dr. Zygmunt C. Gromadzki, who received his Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics from the University of Virginia. He is certified by the American Board of Radiology and has spent over 20 years in the treatment of cancer patients using radiation therapy. Dr. Gromadzki is a recognized expert in radiation, radioactive materials, radiation safety, and is the author of numerous publications on these subjects.  Our managing partner, Matt Gromadzki, has a unique background in radon testing and mitigation and obtained his degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Our team boasts a collective 50+ years of radon testing, analysis, and mitigation experience.

Who Uses Our Services?

Homeowners, realtors, and home inspectors purchase our short-term and long-term exposure test kits to test homes for the presence of radon. They can also have us test the home using a continuous monitor, a device that measures the radon level on an hourly basis and prints out the results at the end of the test. When elevated levels of radon are found, we can install several different radon mitigation systems to bring the level below the EPA's Action Level of 4.0 picoCuries of radon per Liter of air (4.0 pCi/L).

Are There Certifications for Radon Companies?

There are two: NEHA-NRPP (National Environmental Health Association-National Radon Proficiency Program), which took over the former EPA Radon Proficiency Program in 1996, is the larger of the two; the other is NRSB (National Radon Safety Board). RTL is the ONLY Raleigh-area company that is certified in all three NEHA-NRPP categories: as an analysis laboratory for short-term charcoal canister test kits (#101091 AL), as a radon testing company using charcoal test kits and continuous monitors (#100780 RT), and as a radon mitigation company (#100778 RMT). We have also been a member of AARST, The American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists, since 1990.

Our Commitment

When you hear the name "Radon Testing Labs," you automatically think of quality and excellence. For the past 30 years, RTL has always stood for the highest level of quality service and professional treatment of all of our clients. We "cut no corners" in our approach to business and how we treat our clients... and we never will.


RTL is committed to the highest moral and ethical standards of performance, whether it be conducting a radon test, installing a mitigation system, or simply interacting with clients. We take pride in our ability to explain what radon is and what its potential risks are. This commitment to honesty, high quality service, and professionalism is prevalent in everything Radon Testing Labs does.

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